Friday, June 24, 2011

Horrible Bosses, Horrible Ads

Okay, this movie looks terrible all around.  Though I do love a lot of the cast, it just doesn't look funny.  Then there's that line (that is in the trailer), where when Charlie Day's character describes his ongoing sexual assault by Aniston's character, one of the other dudes replies "yours doesn't sound that bad."  Hey! Sexual assault is HILARIOUS.  And when it's a woman doing the assaulting, it's not really assault because the menz want sex ALL THE TIME, and wimminz are weak and don't like sex and can never be a threat to anyone! Hur hur hur! Ugh. So there's that.

And then. AND THEN. I see an ad for it on Facebook today.  It's a picture of Day and Aniston, him looking afraid, her looking sexy. Under the title, it reads

"Is your boss a sex crazed maneater? Take out the boss July 8."


Wait. I thought the problem was that she was, yanno, ASSAULTING HIM.  Not just...liking sex.  Which one is it?  This ad argues it's both. If you are a woman and you like sex and pursue for its own sake, you are BAD.  And we're GOING TO KILL YOU FOR IT.

Or something along those lines.  Either way, it pissed me off. UGH UGH UGH.

So while I'm sure there are other movies coming out soon with equally offensive subplots, I'm definitely not going to see it.


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